Preparing For Federal Prison
No one can change the past, nor escape a federal prison sentence. But everyone has the opportunity to write their future story. Our future is whatever we decide it to be. If we can define what success looks like after a federal prison sentence, then we can create (and execute) the action steps to make future success our reality. Below you will find key points to assist you in preparation for federal prison.
Start preparing for Federal Prison as soon as possible.
While waiting to serve time in federal prison, life will feel like it’s on hold. People have reported becoming depressed, suffering from insomnia, and gaining new addictions. It’s hard to live a healthy, day to day life while awaiting a federal prison term. RDAPDan felt like his real sentence was the time before he went to prison. According to Dan, if there isn’t a dire reason to put off surrendering, do not delay it.
Identify a Point of Contact (POC)
As you work on preparing for federal prison, identify a point of contact (preferably a family member or friend) prior to surrendering to federal prison. Let the POC know that they should hear from you within two days. Federal inmates should understand that the Bureau of Prisons might not activate the phone or email system right away. Even so, when a federal inmate is on a prison compound, he/she will be in a community, a fellow inmate will agree to help. They can have a family member reach out to your POC and let them know that you arrived safely and that you’re okay.
Organize Finances as you Prepare for Federal Prison
Finances should be monitored while in federal prison. Create a financial plan as soon as possible. The plan should take into consideration the financial responsibilities outside of prison, and the financial needs while in prison. Every inmate has a unique situation. Some may have family members to support. Craft a plan that works for you and your family. Coordinate a budget geared to assist you through your time in federal prison. Outline a Reading Plan for Federal Prison
Plan a reading list.
Curating a specific reading list can lead to success upon release. Think about what you would like to be an expert in. What do you need to know to be successful upon release? Knowledge is power. Craft a list that will set you up for success.
Get support in preparing for Federal Prison.
The sooner you get prepared for federal prison, the better. Dan Wise specializes in helping people get prepared for, and adjusting after, their time in Federal Prison. If you feel like you need help and cannot do this alone, please contact him as soon as possible.
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